Friday, October 26, 2012


Alternate.. movie/media.. covers/posters.

It's a terrible title, but take your favorite movies, books, tv shows, etc. and create an alternate cover / poster for it.

Be as difficult or simple as you want. Here are some examples. Submissions due by Friday the 2nd the 9th.

Edit: The due date has been changed to the 9th. This is a pretty tough week, with Halloween and then Friday being pretty busy. Next Friday should be good.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monster Challenge

It's been a while doodlers. A long while. I know, I know I killed it with the "Vampire Diaries" challenge, but I have a better one for you this time. MONSTERS! Grrrrrrr. So here is what you do. Take a photo of some sort of landscape/environment/room etc. Then, add an illustrated monster to the photo. The idea is to integrate your strange/cute/horrifying/adorable creation into the real life environment.
Here is an awesome example of what I mean.

Deadline on this will be next Friday, October 26th.

Poster them here with the label Monster.